"We Weren't Given Anything for Free" in Mexico und Argentina

Logo of the Imperfectu Festival 2014, Tijuana, Mexico

We Weren't Given Anything for Free is going to be another time in Mexico. On Tuesday, April 1st at 9pm at the Imperfectu International Film and Gender Studies Festival in Tijuana. This years end there will be a Berlin screening of the festival movies as well. As soon as I got the dates, I will publish them on the movies Facebook page.

On May 20th the movie is going to have its Argentine premiere in Buenos Aires at the festival Libercine - Internacional de Cine sobre Diversidad Sexual y Género, on 2:00 pm at theArtecinema in Buenos Aires. I am very happy about this and I think the Spanish excellent translation from Sarah Mazzenzana and Irene Izquierdo has paid off very fast!